4 types of APD in adults Characteristics and causes of each type


There are different types of APD in children and in adults.
APD in adults can be divided into four main types

  • Brain Injury
  • developmental disorder
  • Cognitive bias
  • Psychological problems

Let's take a closer look at these types.

Please read more about APD in the article "APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) Symptoms of not being able to understand what is being said even though you can hear it".

Brain Damage Type

The cause of the brain damage type is, as we say, brain damage.
For example, a stroke or a brain hemorrhage may cause damage to the brain's sound perception circuitry.
There are two types of brain damage: damage to only one ear or damage to both ears.

In the case of one ear, hearing tests and speech comprehension are fine.
However, with both ears, it is as if you are listening to a foreign language and you cannot understand what the other person is saying.
You may be able to understand Chinese, but if a Chinese person speaks to you furiously in Chinese, for example, you will not be able to understand what he or she is trying to tell you.
But surely the other person is talking about something, and you can hear them speaking.
APD causes this kind of situation in Japanese as well.

When both ears are damaged in this way and you cannot understand what the other person is saying at all, it is called "speech deafness".
A person who cannot hear at all is called a deaf person, but the term "speech deafness" is used to describe the inability to understand speech at all.

Also, as I said, there is no problem when testing one ear, but the problem is only when you hear sound in one ear at a time.

If one ear is damaged, if you listen to different words in each of the two ears to see what is said in the left and right, the damaged ear will almost certainly not be able to hear the words.
Therefore, if you are in a situation where you can hear speech coming from many different places, you will instantly lose track of what is being said.

This makes it especially difficult to make phone calls where there is noise.

Developmental Disability Type

The most common type is this type of developmental disorder.
Developmental disabilities are caused by the varying degrees of maturity of the brain's abilities, resulting in an extremely large gap between what a person is good at and what he or she is not good at.

It is common for people to be extremely focused on what they like to do, but not do anything they are not interested in.

Many people with developmental disabilities are also vulnerable to information from the ear.
People with developmental disabilities tend to be able to hear, but not very good at storing it, and this is thought to manifest itself as APD.

Cognitive Bias Type

Cognitive bias refers to inattention or weak memory.

In order to understand what the other person is saying, it is necessary to listen carefully to what the other person is saying, understand what the other person is saying, and temporarily memorize what the other person is saying.

In order to have a conversation, it is necessary for the person to formulate and verbalize what he or she will say based on this understanding and memory of the other person's speech.

For this reason, this type can be divided into two types.

  • The type that cannot listen carefully to what the other person has to say in the first place
  • Short-term memory of what the other person has said is not possible

Psychological Problem Type

Stress and other psychological problems can also cause APD.
It is like an SOS signal from the body that excessive stress has reached the ears.

For example, if something is bothering you a lot, you may be listening to what is being said without being in the right place at the right time.
It can be said that the difference is always in that state.

As you can see, there are various causes of APD.
Especially the developmental disorder type, which is an inborn characteristic, and the cognitive bias type.
Acquired factors that cause APD symptoms are brain damage and types of psychological problems.

Thus, if you just know which type of APD you are characterized by, it is easier to explain your symptoms to others so they can understand you.


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