If you realize you have APD, train to listen and create an environment


APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) is still unrecognized in Japan.
It is difficult to recognize APD in children.

It is difficult to recognize APD as a child, and it is not until after one becomes an adult and starts working that one realizes that something is wrong.

If you are diagnosed with APD, let's take a look at how you should respond.

Please read more about APD in the article "APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) Symptoms of not being able to understand what is being said even though you can hear it".

Training to Listen

Unfortunately, there is no clear cure for APD and no fundamental solution has been found.

However, it has been shown that listening training can sometimes reduce symptoms.

People who are highly motivated to train are especially likely to gain confidence in their listening skills and have their symptoms lessened.

Specifically, what listening training involves is a lot of communication.

Few people can ride a bicycle from the beginning.
They learned to ride a bicycle through practice.
Listening comprehension is also practiced through actual conversation.
If you are bedridden all the time, the muscles in your legs will weaken.
If you don't communicate because you can't hear, your ability to listen will also weaken.

Therefore, we will practice by having more conversations to strengthen our listening skills.
In this way, you will be able to guess the words you did not hear.

Please refer to the article "Effective for APD! If you don’t use it, your ability will deteriorate How to Train Yourself to Listen" for an explanation of how to train your listening skills.


Improving APD is not as easy as training alone.

Therefore, it may be necessary to ask the workplace to consider creating an environment that makes it as easy as possible to hear.

There are several types of APD, but all types have difficulty understanding conversations in noisy environments.

In the case of a house, keep the TV on low when you are with your family.
It is necessary to take measures to reduce the noise of daily life, such as covering the legs of chairs so that the sound is reduced.

Also, since sound reverberates in a room, it is a good idea to use sound-absorbing materials to reduce the reverberation time.

When talking about work in the office, it is also important to ask people to speak slowly and clearly, to repeat important points, and to move to a quieter place when having important conversations.

The article "What can people around you do to create an environment for APD?" describes the kind of environment that makes it easier for people with APD to hear.
Please refer to this page.

Replacing spoken information with written information

Although APD patients are vulnerable to information from their ears, they can recognize information from their eyes without problems.
Of course, ADHD and other conditions can also cause people to receive information from their eyes prematurely and incorrectly, but the information is much more guaranteed than not.

Therefore, a simple measure you can take yourself is to use a voice recorder or an application that transcribes your voice into text.

This is not only asking for help from others, but it is also something you can do yourself, so you don't have to burden yourself with it.


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