Is tinnitus caused by body strain? Effects of body strain and posture on the ear


The ear is a very sensitive organ.
If your metabolism slows down due to lack of sleep, this will have a direct effect on it.
People hear differently depending on their physical condition.
Just as your grandparents may be able to hear you better or harder today, the same is true for us.

Distortion of the body interferes with the flow of blood.
This can cause swelling, which can actually affect tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a sign from the body that something is wrong.
Of course, it can also be stressful.
If you have tinnitus, you can assume that there is a strain on either your mind or body.

Correcting the distortion of the body has the effect of improving blood circulation and regulating the autonomic nervous system.
Of course, there are many different causes of tinnitus and hearing sensitivity, so it may not be effective.

It may be possible to alleviate symptoms, even if it doesn't improve the underlying condition.
Gradually correct your posture through stretching and bodywork.

Tinnitus has several causes, which are explained in "The causes of tinnitus are many and varied, and even doctors have difficulty quickly identifying them".
Please refer to this article.

How Distortion Affects the Body

You often see stories on TV or in books about having a distorted pelvis.
In addition to the pelvis, distortions also exist in the spine and skull.
Distortion of these bones. This distortion of the bones has various negative effects on our body.

I also have a misalignment in the position of my eyes on the left and right sides of my face.
I can already tell at a glance that my skull is distorted.
I suffer from headaches because of this.

The distortion of the pelvis also causes a great many other ailments, such as lower back pain, a flabby tummy, and poor circulation, which leads to sensitivity to cold.

Body distortion is not something to be underestimated!

Mechanism of tinnitus caused by body strain

There are two main mechanisms of tinnitus caused by distortion.

One is tinnitus due to distortion of the skull, which I also have.

Although it is not frequent, I also get "keening" tinnitus if I have bad posture or if I am on my cheekbones.
Fortunately I don't have tinnitus for a long time so it doesn't stress me that much, but if I have this tinnitus on a daily basis, it already sucks.
The cause of this tinnitus with skull distortion is due to the strain on the nerves caused by the distortion of the skull.

The ear is very sensitive.
The slightest distortion can put a strain on the auditory nerve and cause tinnitus.

The other is poor circulation.
Poor circulation reduces the ability to expel waste products.

The accumulation of this waste slows metabolism and disrupts the autonomic nervous system.
Since autonomic nervous system disorders can also be caused by stress, this mechanism is similar to stress-induced disorders.
It is important to improve metabolism, discharge wastes, and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

In this respect, exercise is a great way to improve the autonomic nervous system.

Straight neck, which is on the rise these days

Have you ever heard of the term "straight neck"?
Literally, it refers to a condition in which the neck is distorted into a straight line.

If it becomes straight, isn't it good? You may think, "But the neck is curved by nature.
If it is straightened, it puts pressure on the autonomic nervous system.

You often see commercials that say "smart phone neck".
That is a straight neck. It is caused by working on a smartphone or a PC for a long time.

Straight neck also causes tinnitus, so it is important to be careful.

For more information on straight neck, please refer to "Straight neck is the cause of various symptoms such as headaches and tinnitus".

How to heal the distortion

Moderate exercise and a well-balanced diet are very important.

Therefore, we would like to encourage you to work on building a healthy body. (I have not been able to exercise at all recently…)
However, it is very difficult to change one's lifestyle.

For those people, I recommend bodywork.
I was working overseas for a while, and I was so stressed out that I had a burning sensation.
Stress was building up due to long hours of travel and lack of exercise, and the waves of the motorcycle caused my blood to stagnate, as well as my autonomic nervous system to be disturbed by the long hours spent sitting on the bike.

People often say it's nice to work abroad, but it wasn't all good.
But overseas, stores like Chinese massage and bodywork are very inexpensive!
So I went there every weekend and it really helps me feel at ease.
The distortion of my face, which had been a complex, has been restored to a much more normal state, and I have become estranged from tinnitus since I started going to physical therapy and massages.
It was painful at first to have my jaw gouged out and the lymphatic system in my neck gurgled out, but it became pleasant enough to feel good.

By the way, after I changed jobs and returned to my life in Japan, the distortion came back and I sometimes get tinnitus these days.
Continuation is the key!

Autonomic nervous system disorders can also be caused by lack of sleep.
Also, an ill-fitting pillow can lead to distortions such as straight neck.
If you are not tired even after sleeping, why don't you review your mattress and pillow?


If you suffer from ringing in your ears or swollen feet, as I did, it may be due to distortion.
Distortion of the body can bring about a variety of symptoms.

It is necessary to continuously go to physical therapy and be aware of your posture, but it is quite effective.
If you suffer from tinnitus, you may give it a try!


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