

What is a pocket hearing aid? A hearing aid that is simple to use and can be used by anyone

There are several types of hearing aids. One of the easiest to use is the pocket hearing aid. Here are some of the features of pocket hearing aids.

Bone-conduction hearing aids (Baha) are implant-type hearing aids that transmit sound through bone conduction.

There are several types of hearing aids. Among them are implant-type hearing aids, which transmit sound through bone conduction. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of implantable hearing aids.

Saosin’s 3rd EP The Grey Review Rare Sound Source for Tour and Online Sales Only

Saosin is a band in the post-hardcore and screamo genres, and is so important that it is a must for emo and screamo lovers. Saosin released an EP in 2008 called The Grey. Here are some details about The Grey.

American screamo, post-hardcore band SAOSIN

The American screamo and post-hardcore band SAOSIN is a very major band in the screamo genre. Here we introduce what kind of band SAOSIN is.

What is a low tone sudden deafness? A type of hearing loss in which low tones become inaudible

Hearing loss is usually associated with difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds. However, there is a type of hearing loss called low tone sudden deafness, in which low sounds are more difficult to hear. The following is an explanation of what happens when low-pitched sounds become difficult to hear.

Just by putting your hands over your ears you can hear three times better! What is the effect of listening carefully?

We often put our hands over our ears when we want to hear a sound well. This is the state of "listening carefully. Do you know how effective this actually is? The following is an explanation of the effect of "listening attentively.

What is dB (decibel)?

Have you ever seen the dB (decibel) as a unit to express the loudness of sound? Here we introduce what kind of unit this dB is and other units that express the loudness of sound.

What are the symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss? Hearing loss in which sounds are distorted and difficult to hear

There are different types of hearing loss, depending on the symptoms. One type of hearing loss is sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is mainly caused by problems in the middle ear, inner ear, or auditory nerve system. The following is an explanation of what kind of hearing loss a sensorineural hearing loss is.

What are the symptoms of conductive hearing loss?

There are different types of hearing loss, depending on the symptoms. One type of hearing loss is called conductive hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is mainly caused by problems in the outer ear. The following is an explanation of this type of hearing loss.

Unilateral hearing loss is a hearing loss in only one ear

Although the word "hearing loss" conjures up images of hearing loss in both ears, there are cases in which hearing loss occurs in only one ear. Such a hearing loss is called unilateral hearing loss. The following is an introduction to unilateral hearing loss.
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